Engineering Judgment Design and Implementation
When unique conditions occur during construction and no Tested Firestop System is available Engineering Judgments may be presented by your firestopping Manufacturer as a solution. These "EJ's" historically have been the leading cause of delays and added change orders for Firestop on projects. FireWise Consultants has designed a new approach to solve these unique project conditions and help eliminate the EJ's by thinking outside the box with potential changes to solve the condition and follow a Tested System as much as possible making sure you are not just being sold a solution. Many projects and contractors get locked into using a single manufacturer but no single Firestop company has every solution so as an unbiased resource we are able to review the entire Firestop Directory for solutions and analyze each product based on the specific condition and project needs.
If an EJ is required we can streamline the entire process for the design/construction team by:
- Brainstorming the most cost effective solution and product.
- Obtain the EJ and proper documentation from the Manufacturer to support the design.
- Expedite the design of the documents and ensure the proper information is listed to eliminate revisions and delays.
- Quality Control of verbiage and referenced systems on EJ by Manufacturer to limited revisions and rejections.
- Implement the EJ and supporting details directly onto the construction documents.
-Provide cover letter and third party review of EJ.
- Be an available resource to properly present the solution to the Authority Having Jurisdiction directly for the team eliminating potential questions, rejections or expensive third party Stamps/Reviews.
Please contact us further to review this process and successful examples we have utilized on many previous projects.