Due to the recent announcement by OSHPD (Link Here) and the code change for 2012 IBC and 2013 CBC FireWise Consultants is pleased to partner with the International Firestop Council (Link) to provide a four hour Firestop Product Training. This class is geared towards giving individuals a better understanding of ALL Firestop products, their installation requirements and how to properly inspect them. It also is designed to help those looking to becoming a Premier Certificate Holder from the IFC for Firestop Special Inspections by attending a single class by an unbiased expert rather than four separate two hour trainings by Firestop Manufacturers sales members. This class will follow the IFC's guidelines and be an unbiased, hands on, four hour training class that will help attendees obtain a full understanding of all categories of products available in the Firestop Industry. This training will include and not limited to the following items:
What Is Covered:• Brief review of 2013 and 2016 CBC Changes and Code Requirements as they relate to Firestop products.
• Understanding of where Firestop Products and which work best for each type of construction. • Hands on review of Firestop Industry Products as provided by IFC Manufacturer Members (Sealants, Sprays, Putties, Wrap Strips, Collars, Cable Pathways, Outlet Box Protection, etc). • Overview of correct installation methods for each type of product. • Review of inspection techniques for each type of Firestop product. • Good vs Bad installation review. (Hands on as well as example photos) • Understanding product information for all categories, eg: Storage Temperatures, Application Temps, Shrinkage, Cure Times, Cured vs Uncured, etc. • Understanding Mineral Wool, its importance and how to inspection/install properly depending on the type of condition (Penetrations, Joints, Curtain Wall) • When are additional supports required (wire mesh, clips, pins, hangers, etc). • Review of Cable Pathways. • Review of Membrane Protectants. • Review of Manufacturers Installation Instruction and Product Data Sheets. . |
Sign UpThis list is an example of the main topics that will be covered during this training program to ensure you are properly educated in all Firestop Product Categories and their applications. Attendees will be provided access to Product Data Sheets for every Firestop product by an IFC Manufacturer Member on a cloud based site to allow up to date information well after the class as well as a customized spreadsheet helping attendees easily navigate each products characteristics and tolerances. All attendees will also be given a certification stating they attended an IFC Approved 4 hour Firestop Industry Product Familiarization Class. This certification can be submitted directly to the IFC to show that you have meet the necessary requirements of product training to become a Premier Certificate Holder for Firestop Special Inspectors AFTER you have passed their online test (Link Here). For a better understanding of what OSHPD is now requiring and how the IFC + this training can assist you please review this Link. Please contact us for further information about upcoming trainings or customized trainings for your team. |
Contact us to learn more about other trainings and topics that we can customize to your needs.